
Think about your last visit to a grocery store. You may have noticed that bread and butter are often placed near each other. This isn't a coincidence. It's because many shoppers tend to buy them together. This relationship or connection between bread and butter is similar to the concept of "Association" in AI and machine learning.

In Topics: Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Data Analytics (DA) | Data Science (DS) | Fundamental Data Concepts | Fundamental Mathematics and Statistics

Figure: A lighthearted illustration of "Association".

What is Association?

In the context of AI and machine learning, Association refers to the discovery of patterns, correlations, or relationships between variables or data points in large datasets. It's about finding out how the occurrence of one event or item is connected to the occurrence of another.

Key Aspects of Association:

Pattern Recognition: Association involves identifying patterns of co-occurrence or sequences within data.

Correlation, Not Causation: It’s important to note that association doesn’t necessarily imply causation. It merely indicates that items or events tend to occur together.

Used in Various Domains: Association is a widely used technique in fields like market basket analysis, recommendation systems, and more.

Rule-Based Analysis: Often, association is expressed in terms of rules. For instance, "If a customer buys bread, they are likely to buy butter."

Examples of Association in Use:

Shopping Basket Analysis: Retail stores analyze transaction data to identify products often bought together. This can lead to targeted marketing, such as placing related products near each other or bundling them in promotions.

Movie Recommendation Systems: Streaming platforms use association to recommend movies or shows based on what similar users have watched.

Medical Research: Researchers may find associations between lifestyle choices and the likelihood of developing certain health conditions.

Fraud Detection: In banking, association rules can help identify patterns of transactions that may indicate fraudulent activity.


Association is a key concept in AI and machine learning, focusing on finding meaningful relationships and patterns within data. It plays a crucial role in enhancing our understanding of data and aids in decision-making across various industries, from retail to healthcare. Understanding association helps in appreciating how AI can uncover hidden insights in vast amounts of data.

See also: Clustering