
Imagine you're trying to learn how to make a variety of dishes from a cookbook. If you only practice making a simple salad and then try to prepare a gourmet three-course meal, you'll likely fall short. This is because you haven't learned enough from your practice to handle more complex tasks. In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), this situation is akin to what we call "Underfitting."

Figure: A whimsical illustration of "Underfitting".

What is Underfitting?

Underfitting occurs when a machine learning model is too simple to capture the underlying patterns in the data it's trained on. Just like trying to tackle a complex meal with only basic cooking skills, an underfitted model can't make accurate predictions or decisions because it hasn't learned enough from its training data.

Key Aspects of Underfitting:

Simplicity: The model is too simple and doesn't have enough parameters or complexity to understand the data fully.

Poor Performance: Because the model is too basic, it performs poorly on both the training data (the data it learned from) and new, unseen data.

Lack of Learning: The model hasn't captured the essential patterns or relationships in the training data, leading to inaccurate or oversimplified predictions.

Examples of Underfitting:

Weather Prediction: If a model is trained to predict the weather using only temperature data, ignoring factors like humidity, wind speed, and atmospheric pressure, it's likely to underfit. This means it won't accurately predict the weather because it's not considering all relevant variables.

Stock Market Analysis: An underfitted model might use only past stock prices to predict future prices, neglecting other influential factors like economic indicators, market sentiment, and company news. As a result, its predictions would likely be inaccurate.

Medical Diagnosis: If a diagnostic tool is developed based on a very limited number of symptoms or cases, it might fail to diagnose conditions correctly when presented with real-world patients, missing out on the complex interplay of symptoms and conditions.

Avoiding Underfitting:

Complexity: Increasing the model's complexity can help, provided it's done thoughtfully to avoid the opposite problem of overfitting, where the model is too complex.

More Data: Providing the model with more training data can give it more opportunities to learn and understand the underlying patterns.

Feature Engineering: Adding more relevant features or variables for the model to consider can improve its ability to make accurate predictions.


Underfitting in AI and ML is like trying to solve a complex problem with an overly simplistic approach. It occurs when a model can't capture the essential patterns in the training data, leading to poor performance. Understanding and addressing underfitting is crucial in developing effective AI and ML models, ensuring they are sophisticated enough to learn from their training and make accurate predictions or decisions in real-world applications.

See also: Overfitting

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