Privacy and Security

These terms highlight key areas where privacy and security intersect with AI and ML, encompassing both the challenges and solutions in safeguarding data and ensuring ethical use of AI technologies.

AI Governance - This aspect focuses on developing and enforcing policies to protect data privacy and ensure robust security in technology systems, safeguarding against misuse and breaches.

Anomaly Detection - A technique used in cybersecurity to identify unusual patterns that do not conform to expected behavior, often indicative of security breaches or malicious activities.

Data Cleaning - While primarily a method for improving data quality, data cleaning can also involve the removal of sensitive information from datasets to protect privacy before analysis.

Ethical AI Principles - These often include guidelines and standards for protecting user privacy and ensuring the security of AI systems against misuse and malicious attacks.

Smart Contract - Blockchain-based contracts that execute automatically when conditions are met, which can include privacy and security protocols to ensure data integrity and confidentiality in transactions.