
Classification, in the context of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), is akin to sorting objects into different boxes based on their features. For instance, imagine you have a box for fruits and another for vegetables. When you see a tomato, you decide which box it should go into based on its characteristics. This process of sorting or categorizing items into different groups is what we call classification in AI and ML.

In Topics: Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Core Applications | Data Analytics (DA) | Data Science (DS) | Fundamental Data Concepts | Fundamental Mathematics and Statistics | Machine Learning (ML) | Natural Language Processing (NLP) | Natural Language Understanding (NLU) | Supervised Learning | Text and Language Processing

Figure: A delightful illustration of "Classification".

What is Classification?

Classification is a type of data analysis used in AI and ML where data is categorized into predefined classes or groups. It's about teaching a computer how to make distinctions between different types of data.

Key Elements of Classification:

Classes or Categories: These are the specific groups into which the data will be sorted. For example, 'spam' and 'not spam' in email filtering.

Features: These are the characteristics or attributes based on which the classification is done. In the case of emails, features might include certain words or the sender's address.

Training Data: This is a dataset used to train the AI model. It includes examples of data and their corresponding categories.

Model Training: The AI system learns from the training data how to classify new, unseen data. It identifies patterns that determine the category of each data point.

Examples of Classification in Use:

Email Filtering: AI systems classify emails as 'spam' or 'not spam' based on their content and sender. The system is trained with many examples of both spam and non-spam emails.

Medical Diagnosis: Classification algorithms can help diagnose diseases by analyzing patient data and categorizing it as indicating different medical conditions.

Credit Scoring: Financial institutions use classification to determine the creditworthiness of individuals. Based on their financial history, people are classified into 'low risk' or 'high risk' for loans.

Image Recognition: In image recognition, AI systems classify images based on what they depict. For example, a system can be trained to identify and classify pictures as 'cats', 'dogs', 'cars', etc.


Classification is a fundamental technique in AI and ML that allows for the organization and categorization of data into distinct groups or classes. It plays a crucial role in various applications, from sorting emails to diagnosing diseases, making it a powerful tool for analyzing and making sense of large datasets. Understanding classification helps in appreciating how AI systems can mimic human decision-making and categorization skills.

See also: Clustering | Regression | Supervised Learning