Feature Engineering

Let's think of Feature Engineering in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) as a chef preparing ingredients for a recipe. Just as a chef carefully selects, cuts, and seasons ingredients to create a delicious dish, Feature Engineering is about selecting, preparing, and transforming data to make it more suitable for machine learning models.

In Topics: Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Computer Vision (CV) | Core Applications | Data Analytics (DA) | Data Science (DS) | Fundamental Data Concepts | Image Processing | Machine Learning (ML) | Supervised Learning | Unsupervised Learning

Figure: A cheery illustration of "Feature Engineering".

What is Feature Engineering?

Feature Engineering is the process of using domain knowledge to extract features (characteristics, properties, attributes) from raw data and transform them into formats that are more suitable for machine learning models. This is a crucial step in the data preparation process and can greatly enhance the performance of machine learning algorithms.

Key Aspects of Feature Engineering:

Selection of Relevant Features: This involves identifying which aspects of the data are most relevant to the problem you're trying to solve. It's like picking the right ingredients for a recipe.

Transforming and Creating Features: Sometimes, features need to be modified or combined to make them more effective. This could involve changing the scale, altering the format, or creating new features from existing data.

Improving Model Performance: Properly engineered features can significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of machine learning models.

Examples of Feature Engineering:

Real Estate Pricing: When predicting house prices, raw data like the age of the house, size, and number of rooms might be transformed into more telling features, such as price per square foot or room-to-bathroom ratio.

Customer Churn Prediction: In predicting whether a customer will leave a service, features like the frequency of service use, customer service interactions, and recent changes in usage patterns might be created and analyzed.

Healthcare Diagnosis: For medical diagnoses, raw patient data could be engineered into features that represent risk factors or symptom combinations that are more indicative of certain conditions.

Image Recognition: In computer vision, raw pixel data of images is often transformed into features that represent various shapes, edges, and textures to help models recognize objects or patterns.


Feature Engineering is a critical step in the AI and ML process. It involves creative and insightful transformations of data to make it more usable and effective for machine learning models. This process is akin to preparing and enriching ingredients to ensure that the final dish – or in this case, the AI model – is as good as it can be. Understanding feature engineering is key to recognizing how AI systems effectively learn from and interpret data.

See also: Dimensionality Reduction | Supervised Learning | Unsupervised Learning